Hi – I’m the owner of Fusion 101 totally and always free Christian dating service and want to help you find the genuine signup page to our site! Are you looking for the GENUINE Fusion 101 Join page or Fusion101 registration sign-up site?
OFFICIAL Registration to Join Fusion 101 Christian Dating >>
OFFICIAL Login page for Fusion 101 Christian Dating >>
Join our NEW (beta) site: 101FREEChristianDating >>
If you are in ANY doubt about this page you may contact me (the owner of Fusion101.com) at my personal email address: epgb101@gmail.com and I will be happy to answer your questions 🙂
Well – we’ve noticed in recent weeks that several unscrupulous folks out there on the web (of which there is no shortage) have put up dozens of fake Fusion 101 Login pages and Fusion 101 Registration pages to presumably illegitimately gain our traffic – or more likely I reckon – it’s a smear campaign (not the first time) financed by someone that sees us as competition.
Always use the GENUINE Fusion101 Join & Registration page..
Being a 100% free Christian dating service for the people of the people and by the people without requiring a fee does pose a problem I guess for those less creative companies out there who think nothing of stealing to get ahead – and this is by far the first time our entire site has been swiped (front end I hasten o add) and thrown up on the web pretending to be either a totally different website or impersonating us.

Well anyway – I imagine you came here because you were searching online and trying to find our OFFICIAL registration and signup page as our has been obscured by the numpties (I’ll be polite) I mentioned above who by their handiwork have to a large degree succeeded in pushing Fusion 101’s legitimate signup, join, registration and and even our login pages down to the bottom and obscurity in the search engine search results. Thankfully you don’t have to search any more as the correct and official, REAL or GENUINE join and registration pages for Fusion 101 100% free Christian dating service is displayed in large green text above for NO ONE to miss!
In response and to carry out damage mitigation and limitation to our 20 year old tried and trusted family Christian brand we have created one or two of our own pages – hopefully with higher page ranking (because they are genuine and not spoofing anyone) so you can rest assured you are on the right pages. Of course all this spoofing and goofing of web fraudsters is all amo for Mr global and his buddies in big business to implement some form of long-planned Internet ID but don’t fall for it. We are prepared to do a little extra work in fighting these folks in order to retain our free and fair thought and speech and you should too. God bless you 🙂