It took me 2 hours to find out how to remove these spam entries and the method it still is VERY unsatisfactory (probably shows my lack of intelligence). But I thought; wait.. there has to be a better way of deleting or EVEN BETTER – bulk removing Google calendar spam?
OK – well we cant expect too much from today’s IT titans, but then how to delete Google Calendar spam individually then? Or to put it another way – how do you remove Google Calendar spam that keeps popping up every so often and wastes hours and hours of time – not only trying to find the reason why this happens – but how to block it in the first place (we’ll discuss how to report it later in another article).
A better question might be; How To Stop Calendar Spam in the First Place?
It’s true – probably a better question would be; how to block calendar events in the first place (we’ll discuss how to block it and how to report it later in another article), but you did not come here for that – you actually came here because you wanted to delete it – so shall we deal with that first? I think so. Obviously (IMHO only) the default setting should have been ‘OFF’ for receiving automatically posted events info to your calendar but read on.
Removing Spam from your Calendar
OK – here is how to delete event spam from your Google Calendar that you never asked for (but did ask for from me to explain how to delete it)..
- Stop pulling your hair out and shouting just for a moment 🙂
- Go to your Google Calendar.
- Click the Settings icon top right (a cog icon).
- Supposedly you can right-click (or probably left on PC) and delete the individual events. I could first time – but later I couldn’t – hopefully you can (I then really wanted to report this spam ads/events and the sender (there were 100’s) – but I gave up on that simple task).
- Thankfully I finally managed to right-click and delete one spam ad entry and I was given option – ‘delete all following events?’ Of course I did not want to do this as it sounds like it deletes all my own legitimate calendar event entries, but had no choice (if you know a better way please add it in the comments for other folks). At least all the spam had gone. Now you need to stop, block and ban spam events appearing in your Google Calendar in the first place >>
- Realise there is no compensation for the hours wasted so get a glass of strong drink (kidding).
Report spam events in your calendar
Next – report your spam calendar events and the spammer that sent them. This I found was impossible on iMac but apparently you can report spam event entries on Google Calendar Apps on mobile and cell phones.