Dale Carnegie wrote the worlds best selling self help book – how to win friends and influence people.It offers practical advice & techniques for how to make life more rewarding. Far from being a typical modern quick fix self help book this book really offers fantastic well considered advice – not designed in any way to manipulate but develop genuinely strong relationships with friends and work colleagues.
With life’s knocks we pick up all sorts of behaviour patterns good and bad, that make us who we are. We end up assuming bad traits are part of our true self when in fact they’re not. Just as It’s not good to be aggressive it’s not good to let people walk on you. The answer in an age where people are increasingly resorting to bullying is to be assertive – or be an easy target! Being unassertive doesn’t make you bad, but it stops you from using your full potential.
Does a child offend you when it becomes upset? No – because it’s not attacking you directly but expressing earnestly its wants and needs. To be successful in dealing with people we must express ourselves earnestly!
Yes! Anything that improves your communication skills will do this.
Passive response is appropriate at times (when dealing with someone who could be violent at any moment).
Sniper response is particularly tasteless and includes things like spreading rumours or withholding information.
Aggressive response is characterised by shouting, abusive language, obscene gestures, invasion of body space, aggressive postures and irrational behaviour.Ê This demonstrates lack of maturity.
Assertive behaviour means feeling good about yourself, being aware of your rights and taking responsibility for your actions.
please leave these premises
I think your language is unacceptable
I do not wish to continue this conversation
Get out!
You are a rude b******
Shut your mouth
you have fundamental rights:
The right to speak and to be heard
The right to make errors
The right to change your mind
The right to be responsible only for yourself and your actions
The right to say no
When dealing with difficult people . . .
You have the right to terminate a conversation
You have the right to choose a proper place for a discussion
You have the right to be treated with respect
Points to remember
1) You can be assertive with people on a higher level than you as long as you show respect in words and actions.
3) “YOU” statements cause defensive responses promoting conflict.
By Alexander Wilson JP BSc (Psych.) PhD.
Listen attentively. This is the most important part of successful assertive negotiations. Empathise with the other person. See things from their view so you remain calm and objective. People respond positively if they think you are willing to listen. Summarise the key points of the problem to demonstrate you’re listening and willing to cooperate.
Be sure your statements are correct. Vagueness will be seen as weakness and increase resistance. If you request a person stop doing something which is offensive, say so with a firm, calm voice. Always have an alternative solution ready. In most cases, you should be able to find several solutions. Remember the way you feel about yourself and others comes out in the way you talk (from the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks)
Always give the other party opportunity to retreat without loss of face. A WIN-WIN solution is the most successful ending to confrontation. Use words and body language to defuse a confrontation. For example. “I am sure we can solve this problem together”. What can I do to help this situation for you?
Such a program could help to acquire a new set of responses and to be more effective in your interaction and communication with others. You would learn what to say or do in various situations, when to say it, and, importantly, how to say it. Getting a little bit ”people-smarter” can’t hurt, and it can make you feel so much better about yourself.
Always create distance from the other party when involved in serious confrontation. If someone becomes physically violent, contact the Police.
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