So – should a Christian Tithe and what does the Bible say about it? Apart from the obvious fact that all Christians should be giving of their money – and 10% never hurts anyone weather they are rich or poor.
But forget what I think – Derek Prince gives the best and most through walk-through on this subject in my opinion – at least that I have heard. I will also hold up my hands and say that I have and still hold back money that is owed to god and I am working on this continually – to be more generous and trusting of my finances – not in order to receive, but to simply do what God is asking of us!
The result will be blessing and not curse financially – but if you are thinking that by giving this is a prescription to get rich – forget it. That will only happen if you gain the favour of God which means giving for the RIGHT reasons – not selfish reasons. The reason being for the good of OTHERS!
So please check out both of these videos and teachings on money, the Bible and tithing! God bless you all.