This article is about witnessing to family members. As the Bible says, the word will cause division in a family between believers and non-believers. How should I not hide my light when my daughter is full of anger if I mention Jesus. Is it ok to just say God bless you?

The Approach I have taken to family members not believing and being hostile towards God is just to a) not be over bearing with “Thus sayeth this and that” (they will never get it until they are prompted by God (often through seeing our good deeds, actions and faith) seek for themselves God and sometimes does more harm than good) – but don’t be intimidated and speak your mind in love if necessary b) serve and demonstrate Jesus rather than only focus on talking about him – that’s much better and leaves people with no excuse to bully you c) saying “God bless you” over and over can sometimes seem like a smack in the teeth to some people when life isn’t going well, so I would focus on this; The Bible says – we must do good works – not to be saved – but so that others will see the love of God in your good works for others in you and believe! Having said that it’s all easier said than done.
Oh and pray that God does the really impossible work for you – ie that He brings people and things to her attention that will help open her eyes to the reality of His existence and love for all sinners that love and seek after truth and who despite their transgressions thirst after righteousness.
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