Biblical Christian Marriage is a committed, permanent relationship between one man and one woman
“A man should leave his father and mother, and forever be united to his wife.”
Matthew 19:5-6, TLB.: “And that a man will leave his father and mother, and be forever united to his wife. The two shall become one – no longer two, but one in matrimony! And no man may divorce what God has joined together”.
Find a Selection of marriage service for Christians below. These organisations offer courses, resources and materials to help and support Christian married couples. Find a Christian marriage agency and marriage help services. Many couples have found immense benefit in taking the time out to discover more of God’s plan in their marriage – you can do the same!
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Your marriage.
But better. – marriage courses
WHAT THEY SAY:Welcome to the official worldwide website for The Marriage Course and The Marriage Preparation Course. We have information for those who might want to go on a course and those thinking about running a course. It’s a great opportunity to spend time together as a couple looking at the important issues. Also help and advice finding Christian marriage agencies, these courses are very practical. They provide the tools to build a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
WHAT THEY SAY: When people search for a honest marriage agency I wanted to create a site to list agencies that in my opinion or recommendations of other list what I believe to be a honest marriage agency.
WHAT THEY SAY: Marriage Resource is an interdenominational Christian charity which is seeking to support and reinforce marriage through our society and specifically through local churches. It aims to assist couples to prepare for and sustain good lifelong marriages, to promote the marriage relationship as being the best practical choice for couples, and to mobilise the Christian churches and the community to be involved in marriage support. Resources include the “Time for Each Other” videos and workbooks, which can be used by groups and individual couples. Their website includes details about services of thanksgiving and rededication, training for First Aid for Marriage, and lists of branches and affiliated organisations.
Marriage Resource is committed to supporting Churches in their ministries to marriage. Free membership is available for any church and the benefits include many resources to assist the church in developing and expanding its ministry in this area and regular newsletters
WHAT THEY SAY: A Christian Residential Centre for couples seeking wholeness in their marriage through teaching, counselling, prayer and healing, in a relaxed and peaceful setting. All Christian denominations are welcome. The Centre provides courses for married couples who wish to improve or enhance their marriage and bring lasting peace into their homes. They may decide from a number of courses running at the centre: “Healing in Marriage”, “Growing Together”, “Second Honeymoon”, or “Mini” courses. We believe that if BOTH spouses are willing to co-operate, we can help them re-build or enrich their relationship and fulfil God’s plan for their marriage, here at the Oasis of Peace.
“Marriage Preparation” courses are also available for those contemplating marriage. Courses are usually of six days’ duration; and a donation is suggested, to cover the cost of accommodation and meals. No charge is made for the courses. However donations are always very welcome to cover our high overheads. The courses have a unique mixture of Teaching, Workshops, Counselling and Prayer Ministry. There is no group work, each couple being encouraged to devote the week to their spouse and their relationship. The teachings cover all aspects of marriage: physical, psychological and spiritual. The “Mini” courses are designed for couples that find it impossible to get away for the longer courses. They commence at 4.00pm sharp and continue to 4.30pm two days later.
Teachings are usually followed by workshops in which each couple relate the teaching to their own particular situation and circumstances, on a spouse-to-spouse basis. Counselling then enables the couple to see their marriage and their difficulties in the light of the teachings, preparing them for healing prayer and enrichment. Video presentations and liturgy enhance and add variety to the week. There is an oratory reserved for private prayer, and a library for the use of guests.
WHAT THEY SAY: is an idea to bring together million single hearts on one platform to find their desired partner for lifetime. It is solely passion that drives the team of TBSL to work for the only metro-monial portal in the country. It is also very simple to go through the procedure of finding your life partner with SimplyMarry, you just have to give us your profile and simply describe your desired partner profile. And you rest in peace because rest all is our job. SimplyMarry is the fastest growing matrimonial portal in India, promoted by The Times of India group, the largest media & entertainment conglomerate in the country. We offer a superior matchmaking experience for prospective brides and grooms to meet and communicate with each other by expanding the opportunities available to meet potential life partners and build fulfilling relationships.
WHAT THEY SAY: Welcome Back – We’ve Made a Few Changes. Since you’ve been gone, Christian mingle have been focusing more on helping our members form strong, meaningful, Christian relationships with singles just like you. Thousands and thousands of new members have joined in just the last six months, and the changes we made better reflect our purpose to serve Christian singles. Come in now and check out the following: Photo Shuffle – check out new faces and new members all with the click of a button. Christian mingle now has searchable Bibles to help you study God’s word and enhance your most important relationship. Over 100 new cards with fun and uplifting messages for you to send to friends and loved ones. more about Christian mingle… – Holy Trinity Brompton – London
WHAT THEY SAY: Marriage Course: Suitable for any couples who have been married for a year or more No requirement to divulge anything about their marriage – they only talk to each other. It is based on Christian principles but no church background is required to benefit from and enjoy the course.
Marriage preparation: Suitable for any engaged couples No requirement to divulge anything about their marriage – they only talk to each other. It is based on Christian principles but no church background is required to benefit from and enjoy the course. – marriage service in UK
WHAT THEY SAY: New Day Introductions is a Christian introduction agency, run by, and for, Christians. It is surprising how many Christians, having despaired of meeting a partner, have turned to non-Christian dating agencies for help and, whilst not wanting to criticise the service offered, it is apparent that they do not share our priority of Christian faith. Whether you are Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Charismatic, Evangelical, House Fellowship, Methodist, Presbyterian, Salvation Army or a member of a Vineyard or any other Christian Church, we are confident that we will be able to introduce you to a Christian partner.
What The Bible Says About Christian Marriage
“Husbands should honour their wives.” Peter 3:7, TLB.
“You husbands must be careful of your wives, being thoughtful of their needs and honoring them as the weaker sex. Remember that you and your wife are partners in receiving God’s blessings, and if you don’t treat her as you should, your prayers will not get ready answers.”
More Bible verses relating to Christian Marriage

Dictionary definition of marriage
1. The act of marrying, or the state of being married; legal union of a man and a woman for life, as husband and wife; wedlock; matrimony. Marriage is honorable in all. -Hob. xiii.
2. The marriage vow or contract. [Obs.] -Choicer.
3. A feast made on the occasion of a marriage. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son. -Mat. Xxii. 2.
4. Any intimate or close union. Marriage brokage. (a) The business of bringing about marriages. (b) The payment made or demanded for the procurement of a marriage. Marriage favors, knots of white ribbons, or bunches of white flowers, worn at weddings. Marriage settlement (Law), a settlement of property in view, and in consideration, of marriage. Syn: Matrimony; wedlock; wedding; nuptials. Usage: Marriage, Matrimony, Wedlock. Marriage is properly the act which unites the two parties, and matrimony the state into which they enter. Marriage is, however, often used for the state as well as the act. Wedlock is the old Anglo-Saxon term for matrimony. Christian marriage advice source: Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.
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