What is Christian friendship?
Of all the things in this life – none are so painful as when a friend hurts you. It is because we value friendship so highly and it affects us so deeply – shared interests, shared values and shared help and advice.
It also comes from the feeling of being betrayed – as if men are not prone to this! When a friendship is in its infancy it’s full of excitement – both parties taking great care not to spoil the fun with deceit or dishonesty. It could only ever get better! When it’s in middle age it’s matured – the friendship lile an expensive wine.
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But then, after some time – if the friends are not careful, they can take each other for granted and complacency can set. The guard is let down either by accident or out of laziness. And suddenly all the world comes crashing down when we realise our friend is fallible – dread the though that we might be the same! Meet new Christian friends and customise your own personal web space at ChristianSpaces.

Good Friendships & trusted friends are hard to come by!
Treat your friends like gold dust. You may not have anyone to turn to except them one day so make sure you nurture and tend to your friendships just like a gardener tends to his garden. This means actively picking up the phone – or going to see them instead of you them always travelling to see you (you can guarantee that each party believes with all his heart that he is doing the ‘most’ to keep the friendship going! 🙂
To make sure you are prepared to make the first move. And this doesn’t mean – ALWAYS – if your friend consistently lets you down then you should let him know about it nicely – perhaps constructive criticism – but be careful – friends rarely tell each other the truth about one another and hence they get on so well together. Pride is easily dented so treat carefully and put yourself in your friends shoes.
If you’ve done your part and made your concerns known, and your friend still won’t play his – then it’s time to call it quits. This happens every day in life and often for a variety of reasons. Sometimes and often for the better too!:)
Take a look at this writing I found on the web on Christian friendship:
“Few minds have been so formed for relishing and imparting the enjoyments of Christian friendship than Paul. This is apparent from the tender manner in which he salutes those with whom he had formed a sacred intimacy in the different places which he had visited, and the evident pleasure with which he transmits in his letters to them”.
Be Comforted when Human Friendship Fails
“As his sufferings increased and his danger became greater and more imminent, he found the ranks of his friends gradually thinned, until at last he was left to stand and fight the good fight alone. To this he repeatedly alludes with deep feeling, but at the same time with a composure which shows that he had overcome the distress which it once gave him in this epistle to his beloved son Timothy, written during his second imprisonment at Rome, and only a short time before the martyrdom he endured for the name of Christ”.
“All those in Asia have turned away from me. Only Luke is with me. No man stood by me, but all forsook me”. The selfishness, inconstancy, and cowardice, which were thus brought to light, could not but wound the spirit of Paul – but the wound was healed. Though downcast he was not dispirited. Though deserted by his friends he was not left destitute. He could say with his Divine Master, that, though they left him alone, yet was he not alone, and he felt no lack”
The Power of Christian Friendship
“We see here the power of Christianity exemplified on two individuals placed in different situations – the one a member of the church, the other an Apostle; the one affluent, the other destitute; the one at liberty, the other in chains and led to an ignominious death. The grace of God shines in both with a beautiful variety.”
“Learn that Christianity does not extinguish innocent feelings of human nature and improves those which are amiable. Its natural to be dejected when we are left alone and cheered by visits, conversation, and sympathy of friends. We are easily dejected and easily elevated”
“Learn to look more on the bright than of the picture of your lot. The mind easily catches impressions of objects on which it habitually dwells. If the pictures are dark it will be gloomy for sure – but if they be light it will be cheerful”.
“Go thou, Christian; do likewise; and then, though sorrowful, thou wilt be always rejoicing”.

More Wise Words on Friendship in a Christian & Biblical context
“such is the respect he (God) has for our makeup, he’ll often and seasonably provides for us external cordials. Paul tells us when he was in great distress, God, comforted him by the coming of Titus.
“Beware, my brethren, of sullenly rejecting anything of this kind when offered to you. It is from God – the refreshing of your animal spirits may be introductory to spiritual joy, by means of both you may be helped to glorify him.
“Our blessed Redeemer himself, when he went to the garden of agony, took three of his disciples along with him to watch with him while he prayed; and when they fell asleep, there appeared unto him an angel, strengthening him”
“Christianity instead of weakening, strengthens parental affection, excites it when it is dormant, checks its excess, raises it from an instinct or a passion into a virtue, and expands it into a warm and active concern for the spiritual and eternal welfare of its endearing objects”
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