Christian Dating Services
Online dates & Internet Dating Sites for the Single Christian
The first time I saw a dating site in the web was somewhere around 1994. We had a connection in our design studio and I was surfing around and came across it quite by accident… you don’t think I was looking for a date do you?! Since then, the number of daTing sites on the Internet has exploded exponentially and is now probably well into the thousands!

I wish I could remember the company… I recall it was one of the now massive originals – possibly – check them out for yourself – not strictly for Christians but Im sure has a large database of single Christians if you don’t mind paying a dollar or twenty.
Anyhow I remember clicking around and once I’d realised how it worked (a simple email system linking users who log in and edit their own profile /add photos etc) I was astonished at the ease at which if I was willing to pay the price, I could now meet new people online.
That was in 94′.. and since then, in 10 years the number of dating sites has doubled, quadrupled… there are now 1000’s of sites. I reckon probably 10 or 20 new sites a week. It is amazing that any make any money now that there are so many.
But it’s all down to the marketeers. Who got there first plays also a large part in success of an online dating service. And because singles don’t always stay single, there is always a huge supply of people willing to pay a few dollars and try their luck in luv!
How to find genuinely Christian Singles sites
Most dating companies realised early on that to compete with the biggest secular players is futile so what agencies do is specialise in a particular dating market. Hence the arrival of specialised Christian dating sites!
Now – amazingly the Christian dating services on the web generally have MORE members than the secular non-Christian sites – an amazing feat though not altogether surprising once you look a little closer at the sites themselves. Christians are fooled by non-Christian sites, but not for long. It does mean – if you want to find a Christian mate – best use a real Christian service!
A Christian person will type ‘Christian Dating’ into a search engine and get many results – apparently Christian websites. Some may well be good Christian sites and the search engines themselves strive to get rid of the ‘junk’ results.
The entries that aren’t Christian sites, often employ techniques to rank near the top of the results – something search engines don’t like since the user isn’t given the information they asked for and often sent to an irrelevant web site.
The page in the results may be headed something like… ”Cristian Singles, Christian Dating, Vancouver Dates…’ plus a description equally compelling eg. Christian dating, Vancouver dating service, free catholic dating service. … Christian dating, Vancouver dating service, free catholic dating service.
However when you click, what’s called a ‘page redirect’ kicks in and you may be whisked off to some secular dating site – ie not the page described by the link in the search results. Doesn’t always happen but is often used by web sites to gain more hits and the most members.
Find a site or dating service that suits you
Spend a while surfing around to find sites that have Christian principles stated in their ‘about us’ sections. This may take a bit of digging! If they say nothing regarding Christianity, you can be pretty sure it’s a secular company wanting a pice of the Christian action – nothing wrong with that – but just so you know.
Good Christian sites include Christian Cafe – great for American singles. In the UK specifically for free singles worldwide try fusion free Christian dating & singles UK fan effective free service if you’re not loaded right at the moment! Also Try them all if you like – most offer a free trial. See our dating site reviews also to give you an indication of prices and charges of the biggest secular sites plus the number or features and members each service has.
Have Fun!
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