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Useful Christian calendar dates, holidays & traditional celebrations
Below are some useful websites that contain in formation and advice on special Christian dates during the year, holidays and other times during the year that are important to Christians. Also there are some web sites that have calculators for converting one date into another.
Easter Christian Dates, traditions and Easter Holidays
Excert from this sites: “As it happened, the pagan festival of Eastre occurred at the same time of year as the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Christ. It made sense, therefore, to alter the festival itself, to make it a Christian celebration as converts were slowly won over. The early name, Easter, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, Easter”
Christian calendar & dates page
The Christian calendar has years of 365 or 366 days. It is divided into 12 months that have no relationship to the motion of the moon. In parallel with this system, the concept of weeks groups the days in sets of 7. Two main versions of the Christian calendar have existed in recent times: The Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar. The difference between them lies in the way they approximate the length of the tropical year and their rules for calculating Easter.
cyndislist.com – calendar site
you will need to scroll down to find particular religious or christian dates – see what’s related to religion below
Religious Calendars
50 Year Yahrzeit Calendar Calculator
Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar
Catholic Calendar Page
The Christian Year
Calculates the dates of moveable feasts according to the Church of England for any year and provides a days of the week calendar for that year as well.
Conversion of Islamic and Christian Dates
The Date of Easter
Information Leaflet No. 57 from the Royal Greenwich Observatory.
Dates of Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Passover
Dates of Easter Sunday and Perpetual Calendar, 1550-2049 (for Great Britain and the Colonies)
Determining the Date of Easter
Easter Calculator
Easter Dates
Easter Dating Method
English Calendar
Interactive calendar helps you calculate: Ecclesiastical Calendar, Old and New Style Dating, Day of the Week, Regnal Years.
Judaism 101: Jewish Calendar
Old Style & New Style Dates for the Quaker Calendar
From the ROOTS-L Library: Dates and Calendars.
Online Calendar of Saints’ Days
Quaker Dates
A Simplified Easter Dating Method
Special Days in the Year
Traditional “Feast” days from the UK calendar.
Yahrzeit Calendar
Converts Gregorian to Hebrew dates and vice versa. Gives Yizkor dates through 2012.
Christian Conversion to of Islamic days of the year
Calculation of the Ecclesiastical Calendar dating system
Special Christian dates of the year at christianadvice.net