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Bible Study

Bible Study Advice & Bible Help Guides for Christians

You know, so many Christians think they can get along happily in their Christian walk without reading their Bible regularly! That’s like trying to be an athelete without training – or aspiring to be a great musician without listening or learning anything about music. We are not in a world that makes being up front, honest and staying on the straight and narrow easy – and as such, God has given to all those that can read and have ears to hear. a guide book for survival in this life in preparation for the next.

Bible study for those that can, is essential – even for the sake of those people who don’t have access to them. After all the Bible quite fairly says that each will be judged according to what he knows, and sitting back and beinglazy and not educating yourself in God’s ways is a crime when you realise there are people out there who would iterally die to be able to study a Bible!

Check out some of the Bible study resources on this page:)
A complete online Bible study guide and biblical reference help guide too for Christians who want to stuy and learn with ease what the Bible is all about and its deeper truths and meanings. Visit 101 Bible Guide here: 101bible
See The great Bible Study Guides on:

T O B S F I N T E R N A T I O N A L ®
is an interdenominational lay Christian organization
with Bible study classes in cities across the United States and the world.
BSF features a seven-year study schedule covering: Genesis, Romans, Matthew, Life of Moses, John, Israel and the Minor Prophets, and Acts of the Apostles.

BSF classes are presented with a challenging fourfold approach including: daily questions for personal Bible study, lively discussion groups where insights from personal study are shared, interesting lectures with applications for daily living, and enriching notes distributed to class members attending the lecture each week.

BSF offers day classes for women, evening classes for men, evening classes for women, and evening classes for single young adults (ages 18-35).

BSF also offers a children’s program. Day Women’s classes offer children’s classes for preschoolers (at least two years old) whose family members attend the adult class. Evening Men’s and Evening Women’s classes offer programs for children, grades 1-12, whose family members attend BSF.

The Biblical Studies Foundation

Did you know this about…?
We delivered over 25 million Bible study resources to our users in 2003 from this website
We have over 3500 different English Bible study resources posted on with an additional 750 foreign language studies here as well
Our users are represented by 175 different countries and receive materials from us in 18 different languages
We were the first ministry to create and publish a modern Bible translation (NET BIBLE) on the Internet before it was printed. It is available online here for FREE to the world!

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