Free online Christian help & advice articles and videos
Hello there.. I hope you find this Christian advice site is fun and find some useful ideas and Bible references. In the present state of political ‘correctness’ It’s tempting to skim over certain issues and we hope that here we havn’t. We’ve stuck our necks out – in the light of the fact that nobody can be right all the time and that we’re fully aware that nothing can replace the Bible itself. What we have made here is a collection of perspectives and Bible references to help point you in a direction where you can find the information you want.
Christian Advice is a help website for Christians looking for guidance and pointers to biblical answers to their questions in their walk with God. Post any questions you have on our ‘Questions’ page or by asking a question in the comments section under the relevant help article. Have fun and may God bless you and Have fun!
This Christian owned website is dedicated to giving you sound Christian advice and a Christian help guide – based on The Bible and many years experience of all that life can throw at us. Our no-nonsense approach means we won’t be mincing our words when it comes to giving you the truth about Christianity yesterday, today and in the future – God doesn’t change and neither will we knowingly water down what we believe to be true.
Our aim is to change lives for the better by educating and expounding on truths rather than using pleasant soundbites designed to make Christian living ‘more fun’ – as opposed to more deeply real and fulfilling.
The site is quite new. So we are just beginning to add to the two articles under the About and the Buy Soul Makeover buttons on this Homepage.
You can now read these as they are published, register, and respond to them. Alternatively, come back soon and we’ll have many more great Christian articles for you read and comment on. Please help to make this a dialogue and feel free to post any questions you have and we will respond with our Bible-based Christian advice and help asap! We look forward to seeing you again!

Welcome to If you are looking for comprehensive Christian advice that’s biblically based and inspired, then see the help and advice articles, guides and how-to pages and categories below. Find helpful articles, the best books on a particular subject or topic, counselling services and websites and more. To search our Christian help article database of hundreds or articles, use the search box to the right or see our main help and advice-guide categories below!
At we offer Christians online help articles, Bible study guides, help references and advice on many topics, information on the best Christian web sites, Christian videos, sites, stores, Christian Books, online counsellors, dating tips, help and resources to encourage you. God bless – ChristianAdvice Team:)
Disclaimer: this website contains non-professional help guides only – consider consulting a professional as well as online sites like and ALWAYS ask The Holy Spirit (the best counsellor and comforter of all) for to guide you and lead you into all truth as He promises to those that ask:)